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Home  > Antiglare Frameless Filter for 23" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor, 16:9 Aspect Ratio
Antiglare Frameless Filter for 23

Antiglare Frameless Filter for 23" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor, 16:9 Aspect Ratio

Antiglare Frameless Filter for 23" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor, 16:9 Aspect Ratio
Contract ID: 47QSCCD0007
Assembly Indicator: N
Country of Origin: United States
Green Indicator: N
Item Depth: 0.13
Item Height: 21.75
Item Width: 14.5
Item Weight: 0.876
Selling Copy Short: These filters help reduce mirror-like reflections from indoor bright lights to help keep what''s on your laptop or monitor clear and visible. These filters diffuse light to reduce glare, are easy to apply, remove, and re-attach numerous times as needed with no lamination or bubbles and are compatible with most touchscreen displays.
Selling Copy Medium:
Selling Point #1: Helps reduce glare and mirror-like reflections which makes your screen easier to use in high-glare situations.
Selling Point #2: Compatible with most touchscreen displays.
Selling Point #3: Removable, re-attachable and easy-to-apply.
Selling Point #4: Attaches with optically clear adhesive strips that can easily be applied and reapplied numerous times.
Selling Point #5: Lightweight, thin, frameless design.
Selling Point #6: No lamination and no bubbles.
Selling Point #7: Easy to clean.
Selling Point #8: Protects screen against scratches.
Unit of Measure Qty: 1