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Home  > Gold Frameless Privacy Filter For 14" Widescreen Laptop, 16:9 Aspect Ratio
Gold Frameless Privacy Filter For 14
Gold Frameless Privacy Filter For 14

Gold Frameless Privacy Filter For 14" Widescreen Laptop, 16:9 Aspect Ratio

Gold Frameless Privacy Filter For 14" Widescreen Laptop, 16:9 Aspect Ratio
Contract ID: 47QSCCD0007
Assembly Indicator: N
Country of Origin: United States
Green Indicator: N
Item Depth: 14.75
Item Height: 0.19
Item Width: 10
Item Weight: 0.3
Selling Copy Short: Filters project a vibrant gold shield to prying eyes from the side, while you get incredible clarity so your confidential information is visible only to you. These filters fade to black starting at the 30-degree side angle, are great for high-resolution laptops and monitors, are reversible to black glossy and reduce 35% of blue light transmission.
Selling Copy Medium:
Selling Point #1: Keeps your personal or confidential information safe from prying eyes.
Selling Point #2: User sees clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden screen.
Selling Point #3: Offers a very high level of clarity within the line of privacy filters.
Selling Point #4: The filter application system features an optically clear adhesive designed specifically for display screens.
Selling Point #5: Reversible, privacy filter can be used with either gold or black side facing the user.
Selling Point #6: Lightweight, thin, frameless design.
Selling Point #7: Protects display from dirt, debris and scratches.
Selling Point #8: Cleans easily with a soft cloth and water.
Unit of Measure Qty: 1